Data Sheets
Please find below specification sheets, articles featured in the Media, and downloadable point of sale. If there is any point of sale you would specifically like or would like personalizing, please get in touch with our sales team.
Monbat Catalogue
Complete automotive, leisure and commercial catalogue with battery sizes and specifications
Haze AGM and AGM EX
Full specification sheet for the HZB and HZB-EX range.
Full HZY Gel specification sheet
Leisure Battery Do’s & Don’t
This downloaded printout is designed to help your customers understand how to care for and charge their battery to reduce unnecessary warranty hassle.
Mobility Battery Do’s & Don’t
This downloaded printout is designed to help your customers understand how to care for and charge their battery to reduce unnecessary warranty hassle.
Easystart Trade Account
If you want to open a trade account with us, please download the trade account form and email it to us. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Leisure Poster
This poster has a list of the Monbat leisure range with measurements.
Inside Sustainability
We were recently interviewed by Inside Sustainability magazine to discuss further our plans and the sustainability of our business.
THIIS Magazine advert’s
We advertise each month is THIIS mobility trade magazine. Our recent adverts highlight our three different mobility ranges.
Which Battery for you
A quick line chart to help customers determine which battery they would need for there Leisure usage.
Agricultural Poster
Monbat’s commercial range is suited to meet the demand of high-powered tractors.